Bogyawe Area Foundation Goals For 2020-2021

“Water Is Life Project”

In February 2020 while having dinner with one of my students at Goddard College the “Water Is Life Project” was birthed.  Fast forward a month later the world was engaged in a Global Pandemic (COVID-19) and the “Water Is Life Profect” became more crucial than ever.  As a result of the kindness, generosity, and goodness of family and friends we were able to raise close to eight thousand ($8,000) dollars ) to build four (4) wells.  Medase Pa….  And the need continues.  We want to build at least 4 more wells by 2022.  So keep living and keep giving.  Continue to be a blessing for the children, youth, and families of Bogyawe.  We love you and thank you so much!!!!


Nana Akosua Boafowaa 1 (Dr. Tracy O. Garrett)

  • Increase school attendance by 10% – Our children must be prepared for the future
  • Build 2 wells for Bogyawe Area schools so children can have access to water during school hours and beyond
  • Conduct virtual Townhall meetings with Sub-Chiefs with a focus on developing a village wide response plan for handling the needs of our citizens in times of crisis
  • Work to secure funding to build a substantive infrastructure within the village so there is better access inside and outside of the village
  • Create partnerships with neighboring entities that can assist in developing a Health Safety Assessment for all of the Bogyawe Village area citizens


Get Involved Today

Take part in our programs at Bogyawe Area Foundation for Accelerated Development Inc. in Hyattsville, Maryland. You may contact us at the number and address listed below. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to leave us a message using the form on this website.

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